Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dinner At Bagan Lalang....

"Bang, mak ade cakap nak pegi Bagan Lalang. Die teringin nak tengok tempat ikan naik" ~ the significant other, about two weeks ago. "Hmm....jommmm, ape masalahnyer". Sebelum ni ado ajak keluarga sobolah den makan kat Bagan Lalang tapi 'jumhur' berpendapek tompek terlalu jauh dari Keramat. Takpo lar, ado rozoki pogi lain kali. Uda and family decided to tag along, n y not, the more the merrier. "Datuknyo ondak pogi sekali" - itu den kiro "bonus" la... ekekekeke... selalu tak nak enyo pogi, uiii..

Before the start of the trip, captured picture of "Bigfoot" of Pantai Dalam.. ekekeke. We pushed off abit late around 18:15 PM. Udo was the leader. Took the route to Shah Alam, take a left at the Subang Exit into the KESAS highway and entered the Shah Alam Nilai Highway.

The three "Enfant terrible". The youngest of the clan (far left) decided on last minute not to go.

Kocik kocik dah tomonong ..mondo kawu?

Filling up at Putrajaya R & R. the magic figure of RM 113....

This picture was takened while I was negotiating a left turn taking an exit into KLIA ~ "Mondo la monantu den nih... laju pulak kat konar nih... huuhh"..muekekeke..uii duo bolah tangan bogantungnyo. Nasib tungkek kek bawah, kono kepalo den kalu...akakakakakakakka

Gamba nih den amik maso dah nak sampai kek Tol KLIA ~ Mondek gelen ~ "Biar lah, tahu la enyo bawak keto. Tak larek wan....aduiiih, lambek bonar sampai"..ekekekekekek...

AirAsia plane on final approach...the road leads to Sepang F1

Keto Udo....maso nih dah nak dokek Maghrib

Went straight to the Surau at Bagan Lalang Beach...Omak ~ "Camno nak sombayang...?". "Buek Jama' toruih. Omak sombayang dalam keto la sonang.." ~ Udo. Eden pon 'adjust' keto ngadap kiblat.. Eden pon solat dalam keto gak..heheheheheh, sakik kaki...

We saw many cars/makeshift tents along the beach...

Food Stalls....

At the end of the beach is a restaurant and a fish market purportly selling fresh fishes.. compared to the market

Kak Udo....

'Naper mahal sangat ?'. 'Ikan segar kak...'

Datuwwekk, Big Spender...!!! ~ 'Mah, Mah.. nak boli apo? ..' muekekekek

'Isk , assal lambat nihhhh.. Poruik den dah lapar nyooo.. Ummiiii....' ~ Burn aka Muhaimin

Ikan Duri/Baguk/Yu. Bought for RM48.00 @ RM 10.00 per Kg

Father and Son....Ayah n Udo

'Ikan Bulek . Omak selalu boli kat Arip nyo dulu dulu. Tapi dulu ikannyo kocik jo...'

The restaurant, HM Sri Bagan, almost similar to the "Muara" restaurant in North Port, Klang. At first i thot the 'HM' stands for'His Majesty' but it is actually the name of the owner.. terlupa nak tanyer kemende

Amenities - Surau...


The stall where u choose your pick at the restaurant....

The fire place/kitchen/grill area...

While waitig for the food...

'Abaaaaah, tgk Alang nihh! die kacauuuu!!..' 'Haipppp!!!...'. Si Tua nih pon satu. Kunun nak selidung dgn tangan die, ingat abah die tak nampak. Yiow dude! trick lamer ler...

'Lambek botul. Poruik lapar..'

'Kek umah dok cokakkkk jo..' ~ ciakkkkk!!!!


'Errr.. dah besar esok awak nak keje ape Farr(dy)....'

The big screen monitor with an umbrella..

The dishes started to arrive...ikan kerapu/siakap

Ikan pari

Pahat, recommended by Kak Udo..very sweet

Makan lerrr ...

'Bilo nak balik nih , dah ngantok...'

The bill ~ RM 210.70 , not bad for 1 x Kerapu, 2 x Siakap, 3 x Pari dishes, 3 x Pahat dishes, 3 x Kailan with Belacan dishes, 2 jugs of ice lemon tea, 1 jug of Hot Tea....

Reached home at 1130 PM..Huarrgh ngantuk!!!

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