Thursday, June 19, 2008

Report Card Day

Took off early from office today to collect Ghozi's report card. Selalu yg pegi nih ummi die, dan yg rajin bertanyer itu, ini ummi die. While on the way along Bukit Raja Highway, saw this accident about 100 meters from Bukit Raja Toll Exit. There was a slight drizzle about an hour or so.

Beg sekolah melambak kat pintu masuk.. isk, isk , isk...

Ghozi anxiously waiting for his result. "Mu'allimah , mana die markah Bahasa Arab tuh? " "Ni haaah, 98 tuh ...". There was laughter all round..He scored 14th position in the class. "Errr, die dalam kelas camner?" "Aktif die, tak dok diam". Just do your best my son, that's all I ask.

Macam pasar.. mak bapak keluar masuk..

Isk , boring gilez la nunggu nih

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