Sunday, June 15, 2008

Nak Ke Baruh

Potang tadi, den bawak isteri den ke "Baruh". Apo lai, niago la , jual air 'Intra 23 herbs".

Isteri den keluar ghumah omak nyo, tangan gongam duo bek, uii.. Den? Den drebar jo...muekekekeke

First Stop at "Baruh", Umah Enor, Ocu Saadiah. Mak Ngah pon ado.

While they were "happily" chit chatting away, I excused myself and "ronda ronda" Kpg Pasir...

There's a bypass along Kpg Pasir if u would like to escape the toll....

The thing that captured my attention was the writing in Jawi...Muhammad Arun bin Zahir(kot?)

Around 18:30 PM picked wife and sent her to Mak cik Ani's house. And the score for the day?
  • Kak Noriah bought one with a comment from abang wahab ~ 'Kawu kojo, suami pon kojo, maish nak jual nih lagi ko' ~ Ui, po nak buek, tak dapek den nulong..muakakakaka
  • Kak Jah Anak Makcik Esah satu botoi plus wanted brochures to pormote her friends/relatives
  • Enor wanted brochures and will contact if required.
  • Mak Ngah same as Enor.
  • Pak Cik Yahya bought one for his diabetes.
  • Kak Royam... (Ni den tambah yo.. sodap bunyik namo royam..ekekekekekek)
  • Sarum anak mak tuo ~ potential customer, banyak duik nyo....apo buek...akakakakakakaka

Before leaving for Shah Alam , had dinner with Ayah/Omak makan gulai ikan Duri

The young man just got back from "facilitating" a motivational course...

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