Friday, June 13, 2008

Brisk walk around the lake

I've been on medical leave for the last two days as both my feet hurt. That's when I decided to take a brisk walk around the nearby lake. Took off from the house at 09:40 AM.

Saw this general worker raking at the rubbish from the lake.. kotor nyerr

The sewer from the lake.. Any increase in water level will be channelled thru this

Aiseyyy, ponekkk!...halfway thru

View from the lake ...the "twin towers " are actually the Faculty of Medicine, UiTM

3/4 way around.. rubbish strewn

Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh..... Home sweet home, 10:22 AM.


:: NbC :: said...

ekhem.. takkan bayang2 je kot.. ;-)

mangchikla said...

Aummmmmmm ciakk! Aummmmmmmmm ciakk!