Friday, June 27, 2008

Juma'at solat at UPM University..

"Bang, mak dah tak dak. Tolong habaq kat depa yang lain na..". My auntie, 73 years old , younger sister to my almarhum father. She had been bed-ridden for the past 3 to 4 months due to breat cancer. The janaazah was sent to Masjid UPM for the final preapration and Solat janaazah before burying in Kedah. May Allah look kindly upon both their soul, ameen. Took off from Shah Alam at about 1130 and reached UPM Masjid at about 12:30.

Went straight to see the Janaazah in the mosque....

After a few minutes went straight into the prayer hall..

About 01:30 PM. the Imam went up on the pulpit to give his sermon..

During the course of the sermon, an Arab (presumably a student in the university), did his Sunnat prayer together with his 3 cute sons..I couldn't but just had to take their pictures

A few minutes after the Juma'at Takbiratul ihram....The little chap was restless n couldn't keep still

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