Monday, July 28, 2008

Addendum by No 3 Son......"lain kali korang buat lagi pukul guna rotan tebal"

The concerned mother enquired who else the eldest son owed money to. I reprimanded him as well that this very bad behavior should cease n ask the son to list down on paper , the creditor. We found later he spent most at CC. I would have given him a "hiding" (builds character u c.. ahem) if have I not considered him as someone already "Baligh". Imran, his "brutha" tops the least followed by his friends in the neighbourhood.

Once done the, wife glanced at the list n saw something scribbled in bold. "Abang ke tulis nih?"." Isk ..dak aiiihh..". It was the youngest.. He must have had a grudge against his elder "brutha" I suppose..ekekekekkee..ciakkk!

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