Monday, July 7, 2008

Homeward bound, Sayonara ~ 6th Jul 2008

"Bah, gi Mydin jap. Ade barang nak beli". "Yo lah.."

Went straight to Campus. Did solat Jamak wal Qasr before heade home.

Nice to see these students reciting Quran

The cantino....

"weh, ko jgn bagi tau abah tau..". "Aaah ye laa.." muekekekeke...agak je

Bye bye sweets. Insya Allah we'll c again soon and Allah will look upon u always..

Captured this along the Indera Mahkota Gambang Road...

Stop at the usual Gambang area to buy "Kerpok Leko" n stuff

This woman may look frail but she casually parked the car right infront of me looking cool..

The bridge before the Temerloh exit

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