Sunday, July 27, 2008

On the way back, stopover at Bukit Malawati

Bukit Malawati is located in Kuala Selangor. It's the place where the moon is sighted for the beginning of Ramadhan n Syawwal. Going up hill was free many years, with yr own vehicle but now all vehicles disallowed n u have to pay. Nice view in fact, one can see the old "istana" and the river meandering into the sea (I think, lama sgt dah x pi). No thanks dude!

Oh lookie here, an abandoned observation post..

"Kekabu" pillows anyone? Mahai sgt la mak ngah, sampai RM 15.00 sebijik.. lain kali naa cek!!

Kuala Selangor Bridge.. On the right bank of the river is the row of fishermen houses at Pasir Penambang

Gateway to Bukit Malawati.. The Choo choo train.."All aboarddd!!"

Darwin's family, relatives & friends....Yiow dudes! Wassup (bro)? U wanna banana? U wanna peanuts? Me got no peanuts brooo... Auuwwww ...git u one da next time...

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