Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reformasi! Reformasi (Kena Bayau RM 30.00 ~ salah parking)

Went to the Police Station at Section 11 to clear my summons this morning..

Hullo, it wasn't there before, just next to BlueWave Hotel. Must be an auditorium..That small speck is a person climbing up the sloping roof..

The IPK Logistics Dept... Nice patrol cars

Check your registered summons here at counter three

This lady got booked only a mere five minutes leaving the car at a roadside to accompany her son to the loo.. tsk, tsk, tsk

Counter 2, paying your summons.

Ciakkk!!! Kene saman ke ni?

Police taking down reports...overhead "Kat sini bukan tempat PATI ye!! Gi Immigrisen, Ni Polis!!!!" Baik budi bahasa.. lemah lembot je die jawab...

Yeaaayyyy!! Dah bayar... RM 30.00 C*b#k betoi!! udah ler minyak skrang mahai.. Time BN buat tak plak kene saman ek..

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