Monday, July 14, 2008

Kabo ke Dato'......Down memory lane continues..

Interesting find. The picture on the left was a bus trip for the bi-annual rugby torney between our school and MCKK. All of us were six formers. Guess who the chap is, in front of the Afro dude, in white shirt n with a drum stick? None other than Dato Syed Hafiz Syed Abu Bakar, CEO Perodua. Didn't realised it was him as he was in a different class. BTW, I'm sitting next to the Afro Dude..akaakkaka

The picture below was a course I attended, The Advance Ordnance Officers Course in 1982 (I think), this being a module conducted by INTAN in Section 16 PJ. The guy in the middle row, 4th from thr right is Maj (R) Hj Md Anizam Abdul Rahman (he was a Captain then). Left the service and became a staunch supporter of PAS. Currently he is the Kemahang constituency ADUN . Sitting infront, 5th from left is our Intan Course Coord, Mr Abu Salihu. There were many pranksters in our classroom and one fine day we were caught off guard when he came into the classroom a bit late to find scribbled on the whiteboard ~ "I have a pen , my pen is blue, i have a friend, he's name is Abu Salihu..." akakakakakak... I leave to yr imagination next on what happened to us "grown up " especially us guys in uniform..akakakakakk..seluar sume sendat sendat. Btw, the chief "pranskter" is top right most, Al marhum Lt Nasir....may Allah bless his kind soul , Ameen.

This one below is again in INTAN. One of the student then was the current DIG Tan Sri Ismail bin Haji Omar. Second last row , 4th from the right. Uish.. banyak nyer medal kat baju...yang lain lain sume dah tak kenal..

And last but not the least, Brig Gen Dato Amir Hashim TUDM. That wedding was in 1983(?) in his home town , Tanjung Bidara , Melaka. At the time he was on study leave doing Acountancy in ITM Shah Alam. We used to live in the same bungalow pursuing Diploma in ITM then. He did he's Masters in 2000 or beyond, not sure. Still in the RMAF (Ekekek... tak penat ke 'Latok'? eden dah boronti nyooooo....). I haven't a clearer picture, but he's in the uniform talking the Ipoh Mayor in Baju Melayu. Oooooooooohh tahu si Dato Amir , habis die hampuit marah..akaakakaakakakaka....ciakkk!

Soooooo, It seems everyone is a 'somebody', 'Dato' this, 'Dato' that, 'Tan Sri' this, 'Tan Sri' that. Which begs the questions, when am I gonna be a 'Dato'? Hmmm ..I did ponder about it , so I ask Along, my first born, lovely wife's daughter (ekekeke), when is she gonna get hitched? .... Definitely NOT in the near future. I guess I've got to put the 'Dato' title on hold ..wakakakakakakak Ooooooooooooohh sume dah tu* n bor*i...chiakkk!!

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