Monday, July 7, 2008

Road Block at Lancang ~ 6th Jul 2008

Reached the spot, about a kilometer away from Lancang R & R. It was at about 16:05 pm. It took me about an hour to reach an R& R before the traffic was smooth flowing again. The reason, the concrete slabs were place accross the highway forcing the cars to divert into the R&R area. The police were manning the area. My guess, today was supposed to be the 1 million demo on petrol price hike. Must be crazy who ever came up with the idea on laying concrete slabs across the road. Stupid in fact... Kene saman ke nih?
These two cars collided against each other..

The concrete slabs ..

The traffic policeman ahead..."Cari makan maaaa.."

Come PRU 13, U won't get my vote and this stupidity is one of the reason.

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