Monday, July 7, 2008

Pak Lang get posted from Skudai...

"Bah, tolong Bah..". "Hmmm....". "The Water Flowing forward forced the propellor at 2,000 N Force while the ship bow is facing a resistance of 1,800 N Force against the water......". "Iskkk... senang sangat nih, not to my standard la, suruh Pak Lang buat.. Abah tgk je , abah dah tahu jwpn. Saje nak test Pak Lang, samada die tau ke tak..". Muekekekeke.. Pak Lang incidently, is a lecturer, faculty of Electronics. He got posted from Skudai and started work in KL today.....Mekasih ek, Cik Alang, I owe u.


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