Monday, July 7, 2008

Sending Along back to Kuantan

Day Trip to Kuiantan, sending Along back to campus for to continue on her second year. Took mak along. Took off from Shah Alam at 09:30 AM reached, drop by at Wan's house at 10:30 AM, psude to Keramat to pickup Tok and off to Kuantan at 11:30 AM.

At about 12: 15 took an exit at Chenor/Bandar Pusat Jengka. Decided to visit the place as most probably the significant other will be posted there on promotion. Sigh... Weekend husband lagi..hmmm. The last time it was in Segamat for tow years, 1994/1995. Hope she gets promoted less the posting..

Sawit county indeed. It took us about 30 KM trip into the interior before we reached the place, sawits on both side of the road.

UiTM Pusat Bandar Jengka , main entrance

Guest House..

One the ladies domitory..

Administrative Block/Area

Ahem....Currently the post is still vacant since the previous predecessor retired.

Zonked to the max...

About 75 Km away from Kuantan at the Gambang Exit, i let Along took the wheel...her first time afer she got her license a year ago...

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