Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pasar Keramat

Pegi ke Pasar Keramat nak beli Santan dah habis. Punyer la ramai... nak beli santan pno kene beratur...


Lemang Pak Uda

Sebatang RM 12.00... muekekekekek

His pet project... anak cili..

Pagi ni di umah Tok...

Out of the blue, Pak Uda nak buat Lemang.

Over at umah Wancik, preparation underway to make rendang and Laksa.. Err censored, tak pakai tudung..muekekekek

Kuah Laksa

One day's laundry ...isk isk isk

Collector's item. Tuh tak tengok bawa umah lagi..Apo nak buek, hobby tok..(lariiiiiii...)

Tok "terjelepok".."Ahmad aihhh... api dah panas sangat tuhhh....". Nak masak lomang ler tuh

Mek (Nabi) La.. nok amik SPM bulae seblah...

Tudia aihh tok, banyak nya daun cinhom (kesom) bunga kantan...

Making Ketupat Daun Palas for Dummies..

Monday, September 29, 2008

29th Ramadan Nite

Looking at things, many of the congregation had slept at the Masjid for the 'Iktiqaf'

One for the road.. Surprisingly Pak Lang consented..akakakakakak

Hufaz.. standing from the right. Bro Musa, Bro 'Imran. Seated from Right, Bro Ibrahim, Bro 'Ali

"Err Cik Alang, is that really your nose hair overflowing or it's really your beard?" akakakakaka

It's settled them . The family wil be performing the Solat Li Idul Fitri at UIA..

Iftar umah Tok..

Same old crowd except the "cucus' " from Kelantan and Johor coming for the holidays making the crowd..Ibrahim and Nuh , Al Manar Kelatte..

Tsk, tsk, tsk...sape punyer niiiiih. banyakkk nyerrrrr... (hint, tuan punyer blog nih..muekekek) lemme give u a "run down". kerabu perut, ayam pangang, sayur sket, sup daging sikit..

From Leftmost sitting on the floor, Muhammad the eldest nephew for the clan, his sister Mariam, cousin Najihah..hmmm. sape yg dok kat atas tuh? tak perasan lak

Uuuuuuuttt ..tokkkk.. minum ape tuhhhh

Mak Lang yg pakai tudung hitam.. cukup payah nak amik gambau die ..isk.. n there will always be a next time...muahahahahahahhahah

Pak Lang n Pak Uda..Err ..Pak Long maner..ekekeke

Getting ready for Solat Maghrib.. Me that is... they're all done