Monday, September 1, 2008

Nasi Ulam Tok

Come Ramadhan, tok never fails in concocting this delicacy known as "Nasi Ulam". It seems this "nasi" is best served during Ramadhan but it is common dish in the north. Among the ingredients are "Halia, Lengkuas, bawang merah, bawang putih" to be powdered (err, Angah poundered thi to powder excellently, tq dear, muekekekek)..

Next comes a variety of "ulams" . Some of which I remembered are "daun sekentut (fart, muakakakak), ulam raja, chinhom/kesom, daun lagundi, daun pegaga, daun bawang ,daun sup, daun kari, daun pucuk pandan, daun limau purut, daun kaduk, daun mengkudu, daun beluntas, daun pudina..blah blah , blah" tak ingat laa..but anything that has fragrance would do. All these "ulams would wrapped in a "daun kunyit" and cut and chopped.

And u need dried salted fish like "talang" and "goh" any salted fish that has "meat". These will be pounded as well.

Sempat Letiaq - "Potong la rambut , panjang sangat dahhhh..." Aisey mak dah umoq lima ploh pon kena letiaq pasai rambut kaaa? Dulu kena perambat guru disiplin la, pengawas lak...aiseyy.. stedy la tok, muekekek ..."


Angah pounding on the ingredients

Vuola....the finished ingredients ready to be mixed with the nasi. Be sure to add some "ghee" so as to make the ingredient stick to the nasi..oh and another, lada hitam, to make it hot..ekekekek

Ingat nak "contol" makan , takleh aihh!....akakakaka

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