Friday, September 12, 2008

Iftar At Syed's

"Bang, 10 hb hari jadi si sulung. Jom kite bukak pose kat luar..". We had iftar at Restaurant Syed this evening.

Bawang Merah Bawang Puteh. The dialog went like this ... "Ferr, Ferr, Elo jgn macem macem sama gue. Jike elo macem macem same gue, gue tidak akan teragak agak ambil tindakan sama elo, ngerti?"

Baik anak anak...

Baik mak.. terpegunnnn...

Been following this program for the past few days, quite interesting. I ws told this is broadcast only during Ramadhan. It began last year.. "Upin dan Epin"

While the parent had "Nasi Ayam Bukhara"...

The offsprings had chicken chop .... $$$$. Takpe laaaah.. syakali syakala.. Alongnyer balik , ya udehh!!

Uda had ABC

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