Friday, September 26, 2008

27th Night of Ramadhan

The congregation is bigger than usual, obviously becuz tonite is the 27th. As i was about to alight the stairs , saw this couple performing th solat as a unit.

Berebut minum morey. Kueh dua ulas dan teh bujang...isk , maner cukuppp!

Alang and his cousin "Burn", aka Abdul Muhaimin. Beats me y "Burn". Doesn't rhyme dude! ekeekke

Burn's younger bro, Syamil

Macam family outing lak.. relax relax... incidently "tarawih" is "istirehat, santai"

The boys going into the masjid at 1130PM. they've been staying here fo the last two days..'iktikaf.. May Allah bless us all, insya Allah

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