Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Islam:Between Teresa Kok and Bar Council “Approaches”

Interesting article at Malaysia Waves:

I found a report from Teresa Kok that can serve as guidance towards solving tensions of religous nature in Malaysia.

Bar Council says that the recent open forum on “Conversion to Islam” was done with the intention to solve standing problems effecting many new converts to Islam. They claim that they have no other intention but that. And they defended their action for organizing an open forum like so as being a good way towards solving a standing problem.

Allow me to quote another example of the same nature. It is a problem pertinent to the practice of Islam in Malaysia but involving a non Muslim “wakil rakyat”. Her name is
Teresa Kok, a Selangor Exco and MP for Seputih. She wrote in her blog, among others, giving account of how she solved a problem due to loud “azan” in a condominium somewhere in Bandar Tun Razak. I quote the part of the article below:

Kes Aduan Tentang Azan di Kondominium di Bandar Tun Razak
Sebenarnya, pada dua tahun yang lepas, saya pernah menerima aduan daripada penduduk bukan Islam di sebuah pangsapuri di Bandar Tun Razak berkenaan dengan bunyi azan yang terlalu kuat pada awal pagi. Saya terpaksa bercampur tangan dalam isu tersebut kerana ia telah mencetuskan pergaduhan dan permusuhan yang agak serius di antara penduduk bukan Islam dan penduduk beragama Islam. Pada waktu itu, saya minta bantuan daripada pengarah Jawi di Wilayah Persekutuan dan kami pernah mengadakan satu dialog di antara penduduk yang beragama Islam dan bukan Islam di kondominium tersebut secara bersama. Akhirnya, isu di kondominium itu diselesaikan dengan bantuan daripada Pengarah Jawi di Wilayah Persekutuan.
Saya tidak memanggil sidang akhbar ataupun menggalakkan pengadu di kondominium berkenaan untuk membuat apa-apa petisyen, dan pergaduhan di kondominium tersebut diselesaikan secara “low key” sahaja.
Clearly Teresa Kok decided to adopt a “low key” approach. She also involved the help of the responsible authority with regards to Islam, that is Director of JAWI. And in the end the problem was solved and tensions are avoided.
Let’s compared to the Bar Council approach. They decided to organize an open forum to discuss a very sensitive and controversial subject. Tell me, how will that solve problems? Won’t that actually lead to more problems rather than solving the existing ones.

The experience relayed by Teresa Kok above give credence to the solution proposed by Islamic NGO of having a inter-party close door discussion. I share such proposal and I feel it will lead to a practical and workable solution.
I still believe that Bar Council has no intention of finding any form of solution. The open forum was organized to smear and spread doubt about the Shariah system in Malaysia. If they were interested in reaching an amicable solution, they would’ve adopted the ways shown by Teresa Kok above.

At the end of the day, what's important s for all of races and religion in Malaysia to co exists together in peace and harmony. To do that does not mean we have to destroy a specific faith or religion, or even all religion. Like how John Lennon dreamed about.

Tulang Besi

PS Read Zaharuddin A Rahman answer to Raja Petra's article on Tudung here or here

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