Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Visiting Cik Alang...

Paid a visit to Cik Alang's office. Wanted him to checkout my laptop, having problem with the power adaptor. It wa Dzuhur then.

"He aint heavy, his my brother..". Cik Alang carrying my laptop heeeheheh..

His office was next to the Robotic lab (teringat kat cite "Robocop" lak..ekekekek). There were 4 Dip studs doing their quiz.

I decide to explore...

Industrial Robotic Arm

Ecewah... yang pakai baju melayu tuh maca mnak pi menikah lak dah..kekekeke

Solar powered bicycle

Minah bunga... ade lagi ek. I thot during my time only. Buat peksa baik baik ekkk

His room is still in a mess. Haven't finish unpacking after his posting from Skudai

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