Monday, September 8, 2008

Anglers Resort

From LKIM, we moved on to Anglers Resort which was about 15 Km away, along a dirt track , at times muddy and at times covered with soft sand..

Not sure what this is but it is within the vicinity of West Port. My bet is that the area is Port Klang Free Zone and those wharehouse are actually "bonded" stores..

Lembu sape la nih.. Nasibla lu wa takde shortgun dan tak naik landrover ...idak kalu ....muekekekke

"Ape bang.. kitorang takleh lepak kat sini ke? Relax aa bang.. Err bang pose ke ? ciakkk"

A cargo ship anchored far away (Apo nak buek digicam takdo yg ado camera W880i, jadi la jang)

The resort from faraway

On the way back saw this stalls selling delcacies for 'buka puasa'

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