Sunday, September 14, 2008

Iftar yesterday, 13th Sept 2008

Alhamdulillah, the whole family on my side came for Iftar except for youngest sister who had other things to attend to. Tok was beaming with pride...

This is Najihah..auwwwww, shuckss... shyyyyyyyy..

Brother In Law (left) expressing his applogy as he cannot make it this worries dude , maybe later..

This is Hamzah, the youngest nephew

"Nak Hamzah amik nih yee.... bagi kat Ummi tau"

Maryam , another niece, Cik Alang's

The nephews.. whatever r they doing?

Aipppp...lambat lagi la Cik Alang

Amboi Tokkkk...

Isk isk isk ....


Kerabu Perut, tok buat .."Mak tambah bunga kantan dan daun bawang sikit.. tah ape rasanyer"

Muhammad 'Abdullah, the oldest nephew..

After Iftar , di Tarawih at Masjid Negri. The eldest met her longtime primary school mate (SRI Hira') by chance. Currently she is doing medics in Ireland. "Batch 'Aliah ade 8 orang buat medic baaaah..."."Yekeeeeeeeee.. ooooo"

Cik Alang joined me tonite.

Aaaaaaaaaaa... bliss...Ghozi intently following "Kungfu Panda"... bukan nak ngaji..isk


:: NbC :: said...

ekhem.. kaki sape tu..?

mangchikla said...

Ntah! Gmok btol. Nampak mcm tak sehat , isk