Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Assolatut Tarawih at Masjid Negeri......

Right after the Azan for Isyak, the prayer hall went dark due to power shortage. It came back in a few seconds but limited to certain portion. Most probably on backup mode. Yang syiok tuh masa solat kedua raka'at pertama, everything went pitch black again, and suddenly we heard a loud screeching noise of children screaming while in prayer. We couldn't hear the imam and had to rely on others nearer to the him. While we were prostating, the power was up again but we heard the imam reciting the fatihah...

Power went off, on auxillary power

Muslimah performing solat witir..

Pegi kat bawah , cari morey, lapar lak... The ground floor underwent major renovation last year

"Aii , awak dulu? wat braper raka'at? mana Ghozi". "Lapan. Tuh ghozi tgh main ngan kawan die".

There's no more rooms in the ground floor area. We used to sleep in the rooms while doing "Qiamullail" on the last ten days of Ramadhan..Aisey Cik Alang, this year on ke?

Yeayyy.. morey, 1 cup of tea n a piece putu kacang, a peice of pulut dagang.. sigh.. gone are the days of lavish food

Alang with his school mate.

Raka'at kedua, Solat Witir

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