Monday, September 1, 2008

Al Fatihah - Al Marhum Lt Col (B) Baharuddin

Updated 18:37, 2nd Sept 2008

While on the way back around 14:47, a friend sms me the following:

"Lt Kol Baharudin Sulaiman (Log) meninggal dunia malam tadi. Jenazah berada di HKL buat postmortem. Mungkin sampai rumah lepas tgh hari. Alamat rumah : XX. Harap panjangkan Berita ini."

The deceased was my boss way back in 1986 - 1989. I took a detour passing along the Taman Keramat Muslims graveyard. Saw the Talqin in progress. Decided to go to to the deceased home. Met the deceased sister in law who told me that he died due to a heart attack. As it was near 'Asar, decided to send my family home and made a move to the graveyard. Was able to meet 4 of his children and the wife and offerred my condolences. It was raining. May Allah look kindly upon his soul, and the timing insya Allah would benefit him as he died in the nights of Ar Ramadhan. Wallahu 'aklam.

The family getting into the car

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