Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bah, Jom beli Hp...

Yesterday went to purchase hp for our First Born, the one she had had gone kaput, tak sampai setahun setengah pon, isk, isk, isk..While the other half n daughter did the selection and price haggling , went window shopping..

Hmm ...this was at the Giant Grocery section.. RM 9.60 per packet.. apa wa mau ciakap!

Wonder if i'll ever reach this happy couple's age n well being ?

This was at the game's arcade , ground zero..

Sengal...(whatever that mean)

"Ummi ummi yang tuh, yg bley flip tuh.." "takpe ke bah, boleh ke?" "Takpe, takpe, err... pakai 6 bulan pastu switch ngan abah..takpeeeeerr.. amik lah" (muekekekkek)

In the end she opted for the Sony Ericson W770i...Oooooohh , all mine in 6 months time!!! "Abah niiihhh.."
Panjang nyer kuku amoi tuuuhhh.. Some of her marketting techniques ~ "Alo, en, anak ade belape olang?, ooo kene kasi itu hp , manyak 'important' oooo. Itu 'memory stick ' kene kasi tambah ooo, 256 M for thirty linggit oni..Akak sutaa pakai belapa lama ? Haiyaaaa, kasi tukar suta lameee oooo". Baru beli tak samai 3 bulan, kat die gak. Short memory...'Cina mudah lupa?'...

"hmm ..yang tuh lawa gak..."

Choosing the casing for the hp... women, sigh...

Ciakkk!!!...And the price? Suffice to to say, First born contributed some , the father gave a little bit more while the ummi gave her all..heheheheh

While driving home, saw this big haulage unloading at the roundabout...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sangat menarik, terima kasih