Sunday, July 20, 2008

Makan malam di Lenggong....

"Bang, saya tak masak malam nih..". Ate, makan luo ler gamaknye. I've (the whole family, rather) had this problem - can't make up our mind where to have dinner. Initially we decided to eat at any place in Puchong which was about 15 km, but once we reached the place, we decided otherwise n make our mind to have dinner somewhere near our house..sigh. It was 1010 pm at the time n my stomach in particular was making noises. Saw this "Lenggong Restaurant", not the one in Perak but in Section 20, Shah Alam. The specialty advertised was "Masak Asam Pedas", "Koay Teow Goreng Kerang" to name a few. There's this joke that the distance between "Lenggong" & "Gerik" is only the stretch of one's palm. N nooooooo, I'm not gonna tell u how so...aakakakakak

Convenient eh? Top floor is Along's...akakaka

While waiting, we were given "Otak Otak"....

n East Coast delicasy , "Sata"

N for the main course, Ghozzi had "Koay Teow Sup"..

While Ummi, Uda n Angah had "Koay Teow Goreng"..alahai.. ceput je, bahana harga barang naik. Mekasih Pak lah, mekasih Jib..

I had "Asam Pedas Ikan Pari"..tak pedas langsung, manis ade lar, n it has strong "Kesum" odour

All in, RM 32.50 for the main course inclusive of 4 x fruit drinks n "air suam", RM 6.00 for 3 x "sata" plus 10 sticks of "Otak otak".


ummi said...

Guano ni abe, sokmo make luar deh. Dok parok pitih ko?

mangchikla said...

Gedieee mekkk...Pitih sikik sikik ado laaa..pahtu gi ke jambae , dok klik berjujukkae..muaakaakakakakak