Thursday, July 31, 2008

Meeting Along

Reached the hospital at abt 11:55 AM

Ward 4C, Tanjung

Thar ya go! She looks fine byt actually grimacing in pain..

"meh kat Along meh.."

The nu hospital from 4th floor..

The corridor where most patient relatives would bunk in

Along friends came visiting..Ramai nyer dok jengok gak utk calon menantu tapi anak jantan muda lak

"Bah, lapar laaa.."

On the way back, saw this "Decontamination Chamber". Never saw this in any hospital before. Contemplating a NBC warfare perhaps?

Lunch at the Riverside, Jalan Teluk Sisek

Hotel Registration, LA Hotel near the City Stadium


:: NbC :: said...

ekhem.. NBC tu den ke..? kekekee

along da sihat..?

mangchikla said...

Muakakakaka "Bilogical, Nuclear n Chemical"...Insya Allah will be discharged tomorrow, tq.