Thursday, September 18, 2008

Delivered at 1145 AM today

As soon as we reached home, the delivery was already at the front gate.."Suda lama sampai ka macha?". "Baru saja sampai la abangg..."

Amboi, amboi, amboiiiii...melerek senyum

This kitchen table is a year younger than Angah who is 19.

Da Nu dining table..

"Kacau btoi lerr.. orang nak tidor pon tak bley...". Incidently, Uda goes to school in the afternoon

Sayang lak nak buang meja makan tuh.. Offerred to them UiTM degree Studs (muekekekek) and they happily cartered away. "Mekasih pokcik..."."Weiiillooo.. kelatte mu, mano?"."Pasir Mah"."Ooooohh come come mek kat situ.."..muakakaka


Anonymous said...

ooooooo! Belana kok na pitih mu. bole beli sampai duo set perabot

:: NbC :: said...

amboi raya sakan nampak..

pssst UiTM studs..? mcm pernah nampak je spelling mcm tu.. hehehhee

mangchikla said...

belana gapo nyoo.. kok "berjujukkae", muakakaaka... mung lupo ko, kae lele nih bulae sembilae sokmo (bonus separuh bulae)? muekekekekeke.. ce mu geghok mouse atas gambak kakak ipar mung tuh, nanti, nampok "ciakkkk" menyeringai senyum nampok gigi..muakakakakakakak

mangchikla said...

NBC, maner ade..heeesh, mintak simpan "stud".. kusssss semangat (muekekekeke)