Thursday, September 25, 2008

Low Yatt Plaza

Got my power adaptor at RM 80.00, at least better than having it at RM 220.00. Low Yatt use to be a "Software Haven" for pirated copies. Not any more after several major raids conducted by the relevant enforcement agencies. But u can find quite cheap computers and accessories in abundance here...

Berjaya Times Square

I just hate KL. It's loud, congested, polluted...and Shah Alam unfortunately is going that way. Hmm...Milford Sound seems peaceful and a beaut... Ingat nak hijra ke sana ek..;-)


:: NbC :: said...

dtg hijrah ke Christchurch lah.. tenang damai je.. :-P

Anonymous said...

Abe, mu ada gewe ko?

mangchikla said...

Err Pink, since jemput gi sana, jadik secretary u bley? Gaji RM 10,000.00 dah ler.. Cheap wattt... i ask in RM not NZD.Heard apple picker is much , much dearer. Hmm lemme c, I can take dictations, do yr laundry, chauffer u to work. Cook? nasi goreng during the day, mandi biryani for dinner. Err, I do gulai ikang goh osso with Alaggan, no "cik ola". Got masjid down ther aaa so i can sleep and pray. Cuti 3 days in a month, free ari ticket to and fro once in two years, work 9 to 5 , mondays to fridays, kan aaaa? akakakakakaka

Err,, gedie "gewe" dik? Kot gewe bermaksud gepren,uishh banyok weih ambo tok terkigho, kawe nih kan hensem.... rambuk ikal mayang (shhh jagae dok ghoyak seghato hok "botok" tengoh tuh, jatuh sahae), pipi bok pauh di layae, gigi bok delimo merekoh (walau pong berlubae beto betoooo kat gigi depae blah atah), jangguk ikok putih but no problem , can be "Blondie" with inai (muakakkaka)... Funny thing though, search for "gewe kelate", and this is wat i got. But the best is this one...muekekekekekekek... looks familiar? geli gelemaae kawae , akakakakakakakaka