Sunday, August 31, 2008

What we did on Merdeka day..

The missus was making a tudung for Angah. "Bang.. tolong keda cino kat pkns jahit tepi boleh?"."Hmm..". As tonite is the beginning of Ramadhan.. PKNS was jam packed.

"Bah, beli la Sponge Bob utk Ghozi...". By evening time, Sponge Bob was "launched" into space. Terbang lima ringgit

Last washed the car about a month ago..

Waaaa..MP for Pantai into the catering business aaa?

Son got bored waiting..

Errr.. reading Harakah contravenes AUKU ke?

Hangover kot, Malay?

Sudah terang lagi bersuluh....

Found at Dr Maza's website..

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wither Kemerdekaan.??

While on the way back form Tesco, the road leading to Dataran Shah Alam

Mat Rempit on Bicycles

If there's something to cheer is Anwar becoming a member of Parliament

Tonight at Tesco......

"Jgn Turun.. Duduk camtu sampai abah kate turun!" ..muekekeekekekek..caught him in the act

The boys wanted hotdogs..

Plaza Alam Sentral today , 1130AM...

Simply LOUD...

Hmmm... Angah would love this....RM 3.00 perc CD u say?

Yeay, yeay..Along balik.....

came back fro the holidays today. Arrived at Padang Jawa Station at 1130 PM

Friday, August 29, 2008

"Bah , bolih amik tak?"

"Abih, yg tiap tiap minggu pegi amik tuh ape lak?".... Wat camner, anak pompuannn. Stopover at Boss's house first to settle a few office matters.

It was 'Asr on reaching Angah's place so did the solat at the Masjid..

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Aidil Ftr is a month away....

Shopping at Orchard's

Nafsu Nafsi..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Retro - Da man from the land below the wind...

This is Ramlang Porigi, the man who turn the tide in favor of Anwar Ibrahim, me thinks, PRK in PP , 26th Aug 2008. He did so on the 24th Aug 2008 at masjid Perda in Permatang pauh during a special solat session with in the presence of , among others, Ustaz Hashim Yahya, Anwar Ibrahim and TG Nik Aziz. You can visit his friendster account here. A man of Iman and courage, may Allah look upon him, his family always, Insya Allah

Without Further Ado...