Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Nak gi Candat Sotong?...."

It was already 1600 PM n I was thinking of doing my "40 winks". The bed looked inviting when En Aghung rang me up "Jom gi candat sotong... besooooo..." ..Isk.... "Jom.."

"Kita guna yg nih sebagai umpan..". " Oooooo..."

We scouted, looking for a good area, among them was Teluk Bidara.

Oooottt..... Anok En Aghung ke?. The name's Azreen. He's enjoying his stay here in Ganu instead of his former place in Subang Permai...dah besau anak bujang nih , sitting for his PMR this year

We decided Kuala Abang. He got his own boat on the beach, being looked after by the fisherman for a small fee.

"Azreen meh tolong , jgn nengok je isk budak nih.." ekeekekekekke

"Bocor ke.."."Takder lah.."

Siapa kah jejaka yg tampan ini? Oooh...begitu gagah dan perkasa....(muakakakakakakak)

"kalau nak tarik sampan, camni, pakai kayu selepang nih..."."Ooooo....(Click)"

Kasih nya si Ayah. I can't but help remembering this story involving the father, his son and the donkey, a story on perceptions:

"A father, son, and their donkey were traveling from one village to another. The boy walked while the man rode the donkey. The father overheard a bystander say, “That’s a shame. Look how that man is making that poor boy walk.” Not wanting to be the object of criticism, the father and son changed places. The boy rode the donkey while the man walked. He then heard a woman comment, “Look how that boy on the donkey is making that poor man walk.” The father and son both climbed onto the donkey. As they traveled down the road, someone said, “Look how that man and boy are making that poor donkey suffer.” They both got off and walked. The people remarked, “Look at that stupid man and boy. They’re walking when they could be riding that donkey.” When they entered the next village, the boy was walking and the man was carrying the donkey! No matter what you do, someone will find fault."

A few others doing their "thing"

While on the beach, I started to explore n saw Mr crab snugging fit in a crevice.


The wind was unrelenting and the current strong. We had to abandon the boat n did the "candat" on the rock about a few meters into the sea..

At last, Azreen got one!

Oui besau nyerrr!!

Dak Aih...kecik je (gambar bawah , kurang jelas sori)..akakakakak.. yg atas tuh amik gambau kat internet

Bot En Aghungg..!!

Time to go home. Almost maghrib..mandi kat telaga..Sejukkk...

These two were about to go fishing, fixing fluorescent lamps on both sides...

"Pokok ape nih Run?". "Pokok Gesau". "Bukan Mengkuang ke?"."Daaaaakkk, Gesau..."

This one i donno sepatoh harraeee..

Ships docking near the river bank under the Dungun bridge.

Saw these fellas playing.. Woii balik laaa. maghrib..

Got these two vid clips...

En Aghung snorkeling...

If u look closely , u'll c this crab clinging to the rock n being swept by the waves..

I'm pooped!!! Akaaak... kang pak aji tanyer "Weih ..ko pegi keje keeee pegi menalcong nih!!". dua dua la bosss....muakakakakka

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