Saturday, August 2, 2008

Yeayyyyyyy!!! Along Kuar Hospital... Alhamdu lillah!

She was discharged around 17:30 PM. And the bill? hmmm..
  • 72.18 % spent on Boarding, Medcine Laboratory tests, disposables and procedure( Armotaging cost incurred on ISO perhaps? Kemende?)
  • 27.15% spent on Professional Fees - Basically specialist fees on 4 x Doctors, consultations and ward visitation
  • 5% Govt service Tax.
Dokek dua ribu.. humangggg aiiii

It's been a few days in hospital. The Firstborn carrying soiled clothings for cleaning t the nearby laundry...RM 3.00 per kg maaaaa... She got 10 Kg load...sigh

Microsoft "Blue Screen"? Nope. The sky over T7 dormitory, First born's. No clouds at all...

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