Friday, August 1, 2008

Juma'at in Beserah..

Decided to have my solat Juma'at in Beserah. Saw this advert - "Harga minyak naik, harga kereta turun!".. The things they do to earn a living...

A Datsun 120Y..never thought i'd see it again. Abah bought one way back in 1976 n we sold it in 2000 for RM 3,500.00 ..

While entering the masjid, saw this cool dude (the one with the serban) rode casually into the masjid's compound on his kapcai. Looks familiar..

It was him, Adnan. Actually he is a friend of Cik Alang n both studied in UTM way back in the early eighties. Beserah is his hometown. He currently works in Bintulu n commuting back once in two weeks (Ration run, ehem..akakakak). Not a problem as he is working with Petronas..

The Khutbah touched on Isra' n Mikraj..

After Solat...

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