Thursday, August 14, 2008

Aaron Zaharin bin Mohamad Zaidi...

My one and ONLY staff, Nursalwana gave birth to her first son last Monday the 11th Aug 2008, all 3.5 Kg of him. Congrats Wana, to u n yr hubby. May he grow up to be a good practising Muslim, Insya Allah. Kambing dua ekoq, elok "sembelih" the "short end of the stick" as well, did that to all of my 3 sons..besides it being sunnah, it is much easier i suppose. A bit on Aqiqah:

"Rasulullah s.a.w. dengan sabdanya yang bermaksud: "Setiap anak yang lahir itu terpelihara dengan aqiqahnya yang disembelih untuknya pada hari ketujuh (daripada hari kelahirannya), dicukur dan diberi nama." (Riwayat Abu Dawud, al-Turmuzi dan Ibnu Majah)"

This before the birth, she did an ultra sound the difference..ekekee.. I took it from Wana's blog. Hope she won't mind though..

Wonder if Zaidi was present during the delivery? hmmmm...

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