Monday, August 25, 2008

Convest Hill

First born was at UIA Gombak on Friday evening, attending a seminar. Picked her up on Saturday evening with 3 of her friends sleeping over. Sent her off yeterday to UIA Gombak, spent sometime at Convest Hill"fiesta" in conjunction with UIA's convocation. Trip back was estimated at 17:00 pm. It was damp when we arrived due to the downpour earlier.

UIA Gombak's main entrance

UIA is actually situated in a valley ..

Her friends..

Decorative cars on demo.. fail to c the significance though

Errr... Tonto gone to the loo...

While waiting for the rest, snapped this photo of a "Mak Arab" trying to coax her tot ..

It's that time for hugging n kisses ..smooch! smooch! smooch! Isk..rimas..muekekeek

She'll be back on the 29th Aug Insya Allah..

Lookie here.. newly graduated with bouquets...

Congestion at the Gombak Toll.. traffic coming form the east coast . Incidently, yesterday was the last day of school hoidays..

Hotels at KL Sentral. Looks like twins. On the left is Le Meridian n the opposite is Hilton's.

Did she make it ok? Well, for starters, the bus left them early. Departure was supposed to be at 1700 pm and they made it 15 minute b4 the dateline. But Alhamdulillah they managed to get tickets for the remaining 12 , all girls slotted the 1100 pm trip. They arrived at Kuantan at 0400 AM. I asked her to lodge a complain for the driver's unbecoming attitude..

1 comment:

:: NbC :: said...

errrr i noticed 1 pink kancil in one of ur photos...
