Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Trip to Dungung...

Trip to Dungun was two fold - to see the "Fish hatchery" and our friends in the jungles of Ganu..

My "neighbour", seated in 11B.."Howdy, stranger, got a cigarette?". "Shoreee do bud, here, have a stick...". Err, I don't smoke..

At around 01:45 AM, stopped over at Bandar Baru Chendor R&R , about 30 Km after Kuantan..

"Big Show" on the screen..."And in this corner, wearing ridiculous tights too small for his size, with his underwaerar on the outside, BIG SHOW, SHOW, SHOW...."

Around 02:30 AM, captured this signboard in "Kemamang" town..

Reached Dungun at 03:30 AM. At least I had disembarked at the right location, muekekekek.. Hmm..shall i call the associate? Naaah.. he's into deep slumber right now (which he is famous for). Might as well wait till morning..

Ghost townnn..where am I to go...masjid opens only around 05:00 AM..

oh well...

Anyway, I've got company... contractors at work

City employees decorating the street... 51st Independence celebration come 31st Aug n Dungun gonna be upgraded from "Pekang" to "Bando"

Buses started to arrive.. 04:00 AM, 04:30 AM, 05:00 AM...

Oooooooooohh Next tip i'm gonna take the double decker..

It was around 05:10 made a move to Masjid Pak Sabah...

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