Monday, August 4, 2008

Boyz to Men....

Alhamdulillah, my son has shown his sensibility. He had a tiff with his teacher for quite sometime, n no, not the type where they shouted at each other n trade abuses, but the verbal war of words did happen between them. We had impressed upon him that this is not acceptable, that the student must show respect to the the teacher in order to receive barakah from the knowledge imparted, whatever the discipline maybe. In the tradition of Islam, tbe Ulama is well respected, provisions catered for the family n he. Furthemore, he is a former student of Tahfiz and such must show the discipline of one, which is exemplary to others. Insya Allah, he has shown courage, as at this imppresionable age, ego plays a big part, and to extend an apology is most difficult to do. But Alhamdulillah, he did so in front of his classmates to the teacher. Whatever the teacher said in return doesn't matter. What matters most is to seek forgiveness prior to meeting Allah in Yaumil Akhirah. I thank Allah for this gift. Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akbar!, Allahu Akhbar! Wa lillahil hamd!

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