Thursday, August 14, 2008

Journey into the interior of Sawit County....

Started the journey around 1100 m. This time he took me along a different n unfamiliar route. "Jalan nih dekat lagi...". Lantak ler yob, asei sampai udah.. It took almost two hours the last time to reached Pancho Merah, our destination. The fun begun when the TKIs started to pour all sorts of greviouness, right down from foot got severely and accidently hacked to being bullied by other factions. So we had to shift these TKIs around to remedy the situation as well as giving medical assistance. Apparently the chap got himself injured while hacking the dates.

The new Dungun bridge ..

After about 1 1/2 hours drive, we reached Kuala Brang where we found this "Selera Kampung" Restaurant. It's specialty is serving fresh "Air Tawar fish" dishes cooked in "Asam Tempoyak" style. Perut dah lapar, hentam saja la Labuuuuu...

Continued our journey to Ulu Brang n went straight to visit our contact person...

TKIs quarters in Kuala Brang...

Dishing out the dole.."waduh, kok di potong lagik..."

"Uwaaa... kaki bapa begitu cantek sekali ya...". Err, actually the leeches were everywhere...

Home sweet home... The hut in Sungei Leban. They've got a generator as a power source.

Dates ready to tucked into the lorry

The well as a source of drinking n bathing..

"Nanang kemarik ko. Apa apaa saja la kao ini. Ngapa termenong sih? Kok kalah judik?"

Guntung Area at 15:30 PM

Checking the pay record..."Iyah.. kerjaan kamu kurang memberangsangkan. Perlu kerja keras lagi?"."Apa yg keras pak?..."

Reached Bukit Pari Pari almost six in the evening..

The poles used to cut/dislodge the fruits from the trees. The poles can be adjusted to suit the height

The sicke or "sabit" attached to the pole. Very costly n the best and the ones preferred would be the "Camel" brand.

En Aghung trying to prune the unwanted palm branches , a process known as "browning". Don't ask..

The two guys (facing the camera) from Tanda Baru who made it to the "47 tons" club. They managed to harvest about that much each this month, a record of sorts for the company. Yeaaayyy!!! Hope the rest would follow...

And now , wihout further ado...( boring videos..ekekkeekek)

On the way to Panchor Merah

On the way to Sg Leban..

Along Tanda Baru route..

"Browning Process"

On the return leg visited our TKIs in Pasir Lawas at around 10:30PM. Had dinner in Bukit Besi just alongside the main road where most drivers/travellers would stop for R&R. By the time we reached home , it was already 12:15 AM....

Met our customer who was at the Pasir Lawas "Kongsi" at the time n we invited him along dinner..

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