Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Subuh at Pak Sabah masjid....

It was about 200 meters from the bus terminal...

"Gunalah ubat gigi mukmin.." heeheehee

The one thing i loike abt this masjid is it's so cleannnn...not like most masjid i've been to

Eja'ang saloh. Patut ade "g" kat "iman" tuh jadik "imang"...

Subuh at 05:45 AM

Kulliyyah Subuh..The Ustaz is relating the importance of Isra' Mi'raj...the lessons that could be learned

This lady was rummaging the rubbish bin looking for empty tin cans..

Well hello dudes, long time no c....where's the dudettes, warming their eggs in the hen house I suppose?

Got hungry waiting decided to have breakfast..."Err, ade ape nak makan ya?". "Nasil lemok, nasik minyok..". "Minung?". "Kopi jantang...." (sebab amber jantang...muekekekek). Waaa macang "Gay Paree" lak, makang tepi jalang....jalang jalang carik makang

Well lookie here, Auwww, u look awesome dude. He came around 08:30 AM....he did better, the last time it was 10:30 AM, akakakakaka.. ciakkkk!!!

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