Sunday, August 17, 2008

Walimah Kak Jah n Kak Gebu

Attended two walimah yesterday , one is Kak Jah's, she me neighbour u c.....muekeeekkekek

Kak Jah , me friendly neighbor (narih nak cakap "Yr friendly neighborhood, spiderman!"..muekekeke)

Nak basuh tangan pon jadi isu...heesh!

This one Is Kak Gebu , aka kak Salmah...The things a parent would do to their beloved son...

Kak Gebu, sebab masa muda mmg "Gebu"..akakakakakakkaka

Kak Gebu's older sista, Kak Siah...

Cousins everywhere

Soul sista, soul sista, soul sista, soul sista....muekekeke

Gitchy gitchy ya ya da da (da da da)
Gitchy gitchy ya ya here (here ooh ooh yeah)
Mocha chocolata ya ya (ya ya)
Creole Lady Marmalade, uh

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? (ce soir)
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi? (ooh)

My auntie , maksu, mudder's side..

Kak Uda, hand covering her mouth

Nephews & Nieces

another niece...sigh..

Wa Zaitun... cousin again ..

Cousin Kamaruzzaman.. "My card..." works full time with govt hospital part time computer entrepreuner

Lama tak jumpa diorang nih, mostly dah jadik heavyweights (except me, but of course!..muakakakaka)

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