Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nak Balikkkk...

Right after Subuh, thought of spending sometime at the beach just across the road infront of the Resort.

Saw this poster, Dungun to be declared a "Bandar". I remembered this light conversation Harun had with one of the locals. "Pekang Dungung"."Dokkkk... bandor Dungung, mung tok bace ke, gong mung nih.. layanggg". "mak per bando nye...mung tahu kat bando kolumpo tuh mung keceh pon kene bayar..." muakakakakakakakakka.. n noooo, i didn't witness the conversation. Harun related to me.

About 20 miutes had my complimentary breakfast, Jasmine tea with fried meehoon n egg.Telan je lar, free...MASIN!!! muekekekek...Erpp! Al Hamdu lillah

Harun came at about 0830 AM. Since my "Flight" was scheduled at 1045 AM (muekekekekk) he suggested accompanying himfor breafast at Pasar Dungun. Sigh, no wonder i'm getting "slimmer". We had "Nasik Kunyit, kari daging" and "kopi jantang"

At about 1015, after dropping me at the bus terminal, a few "hugs n Kisses" (ptuih! ptuih! muekekekek), Harun drove off to Kpg Wa to c the TKI who got his foot hacked earlier. It was only about 10 minutes b4 the bus arrived did I realised i didn't checked out of the resort. Muakakakakaka... the key was with me n the RM 50 bucks deposit not refunded. When it comes to money, ingenuity kicks in quick. Left the key at one of the tciketing booth n instructed the resort to deposit the refund into my bank account.. tadaaa... RM 50 pon duit gak... 1/2 tank minyak tuuuuhh!!!..akakakaka

Ah sooo ...Flight "TT709", Transnational from KT fnally arrived as promised.

Bus stopsover at R&R Bandar Baru Chendor at 12:40 PM, pushing off at 13:15 PM. Stopped again for prayers at R&R Lancang at 15:30 PM.

Gombak Valley

Yeaaayyyyy!!! Home sweet home at 1830 PM.

End of Journey...

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