Friday, August 1, 2008

Evening with Along..

Right After Juma'at went straight to Along's. Got bored n started to peek thru the windows. The medical centre was quite strategically located. Ample parking space (u have to pay Rm 2.00 for two hours actually), neighbor to Megamall, Grand Continental Hotel, MS Garden Hotel plus all the Mamak Restaurant within walking distance. Traffic not that tight , if u compare to KL that is.

While Along undergoing a ultrasound scanning (macam ultraman je bunyik), Me n the youngest just lie on bed watching "Sponge Bob" akakaka. Heh..tak jemu jemu..

Tea Time..

Uiii.. bahagia awak ek, tiga hari tak sekolah..

Along got back n started to explain (sigh ) ovulation, uterus clear, appendix clear "Lain kali tammo dah makan cili pedas banyak banyak..". "Cakap kat angah sekali..", the mother retorted. Every body seems to be a doctor. "Doktor cakap tadi ade symptom appendix, nauseating, purging, those early symptoms..." the mother continued. "Camner tahu?"."Doktor cakap la..". "ooooo.." Buat dakkk je.. muakaakaak. Waiting for the gynaecologist decision...

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