Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School Break...

Decided to take the three boys to office. Brought along the laptop and a quran each. The plan, makan nasi lemak, recite & memorise the Quran for an hour, break half an hour, continue till Zuhr. It was a good plan though..muekekekeke

Uda zonked out on the sofa, Ghozi with the laptop..

Alang behind the sofa..hmmmm, it's the light u c...nice arrangement

Sigh , If i were to leave them to their own devises, "world war three" would erupt, CC (Cyber Cafey) would be the norm. The park would not be a good idea as Alang was once threatened by hoodlums n money extorted...It was easier during those days when the mother stayed at home, the boys would go hiking to the nearest dam, camping.... aaa,the good life..


Anonymous said...

Kuang!Kuang!Kuang!Nok wat guano weih! Dah besar pung keno bawak gi tempat kijo aboh dio! Nok lepah dio diri, nanti jadi laing pulok. Mako nyo, dedicated to our children: if u wanted to be treated as an adult, be an adult, but if you act like a kid, we treat u like a kid. Anak nie amanoh Allah pado kito, jadinyo keno lah jago sebaik mungking. Betul dok , abe??

mangchikla said...

Nak buak lagu mano deeehhh!! Coba aeeeee!....Memae amanoh. pong, pahtu hok nok cagho ke mok pok dio nok jaidk lagu nasrani, yahudi au majusi dok ? .. Maghi kito do'o pakak bejupo di Jannah belako, Insya Allah. Ameen.