Saturday, August 23, 2008

Teh Une, Rotti Une....


"Brapa?". "2.20". "dey machaaa, ari ari saya makan 2.10, afsal naik 10 sen?". Barang suma naik la boss...". "Aisey, regular customer diskaun la 20 sen...". muekekekekke... Nama mamat nih Khalid, restoran Al Ihsana, Bukit Subang. Nice fellow. Too nice in fact. My favorite morning breakfast is teh tarik n Roti Canai. Every morning without even uttering a single word, by the time i sat down, he'll have them ready on the table. 3 days back, decided a differently by ordering 2 x half boiled eggs n 1 set of toasted bread with butter spread via another waiter. N suddenly he came with the usual, I didn't had the heart to say no n just smiled. Once I "polished" the lot, the earlier order came. akaaakak.. Errr .. tengahari makan lagi, orang dewasa , kene makan bnyk sket, kang takde tenaga lak...muekekekekekek

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Bro! Orang dewasa masalah nyer klau terlebey polished makan, metabolisme dah very slow. Jadi benda aalah tuu maintain kat badan. lepah tu, tuu yang jadi badan berat resulting macam2 penyakit. Betuk ke??????