Saturday, August 9, 2008

Walimah in Puchong , Anak Lam (Adek Kak Udo enyo...)

Puchong Toll

Bro in Law..

Father of the groom , with specs

"Penangah" Section...

Bukhari, the Groom , with Headgear..

Sape laar 'mendajai kucing nih..'

Poruik dah konyang, apo laiiii

The on way back, passing thru my old place of work in Kinrara , the place is spruced up with nu buildings. Worked there circa 1987 till 1991


Anonymous said...

Yo big bro! Make sure nanti gi kenduri umah "sister fluffy" (kak gebu) tau. Mak ekau dah sound2 dah kat eden. Kato nyo jgn shah nak lebey sano yo, kuargo sini keno pegi tengok2 jugak. Muakekek!!!!

mangchikla said...

Kat duit USD tuh ade tulih "In God We Trust"...lobih apooooo...tadah je la tengkok dan telingo...With her the war is never won..U just surrender , that's y she's the mother, muakakaakkaak